The Elephant In The Room...

...has been sorted - I know what I am getting SWMBO.

I woke too early this morning so was at the lathe just after 6.30am - well, I selected the bit of wood and cut the required length before actually  starting the turning. The mortar was half done by the time I stopped for breakfast and then it was off to The Larder where small gifts were dispensed before heading off on my round. 
About halfway round I came across a girl having car problems ...... a non starter. 
She thought it was the battery so we connected the cars with some wires. Just a nice 'clunk' - no sound of an attempt to start.
Not the battery dear - your starter isn't working.
Since neither of us had a hammer to give it a dunt she had to leave it for her father to solve while her mother and son headed off to see Santa in mother's car.

There was a new recipient today for meals today.
That was fun to find.
The entrance to the address is actually in a different street.
It took me ages to find it.

The mortar and pestle were finished after lunch.
Tomorrow I am going to make another one in a different wood so there is a choice.

The Blip isn't actually an elephant - it is a Gruffalo (maybe another day's Blip to explain).

The Bird(s) On A Wire alternative is in the extras.

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