Living my dream

By Mima


As I began to organise dog food this evening a friend arrived at the gate, and we had a long chat. When I eventually got back to the dining room, there was Bean looking angelic and patient. She had to wait a few moments longer for her dinner while I took a photo or two.

It’s been 27 degrees and windy all day. Proper summer weather at last.

It’s my wedding anniversary today. 23 years ago I married my Pirate on a trip back to Scotland. He died from cancer before we celebrated even one year.

Despite family and friends being at our wedding, not one of them has ever mentioned or remembered the date, whilst consistently marking their own anniversaries. Perhaps they think it will upset me. It is more upsetting that there is no acknowledgement.

If you know somebody whose spouse has died, don’t forget those dates. They are still important and joyful occasions worthy of celebration.

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