Sugar Beets on a Shunday

When we got up this morning, Lisa asked me if I would drive her 100 miles away to a funeral home after church. A co-worker's mother had passed away. I said sure. But, I thought we were going home after church to let the dog out. Noooo. So, no camera. 

When we pulled out of the church, she said..."Go home and get it." But I refused. So, where is my back-up camera, and my back-up to the back-up? Also at home, because it is just too cold to keep them in the bowels of my van.

Why do I mention all that? Because, on the way home, there were many photo ops. Mountains of sugar beets near the Pioneer Sugar Plant, mile after mile of giant wind turbines in the setting sun, and...and...A SNOWY OWL! A SNOWY OWL!

I took a picture with my lousy phone camera to prove we saw it, and there is another picture of silos, and they are both in my extras.

I want Lisa to take 50% of the blame for me not having a camera, but she said she would only take 2%.

Even without a good picture, what a thrill to see a Snowy.

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