Step into the Light

A foggy morning walk took us out and under the M5. 

Timing is everything, and I was unprepared, as we walked into the underpass, for the huge heron who flew just below our feet and sailed (really, the right word) along the Little Avon River and away. The right lens is also everything, as on the way home I saw the blue flash of a kingfisher and Janet spotted a pair of woodpeckers, but in each case my walkabout lens was inadequate to the task.

Full Moon was last night and Winter Solstice only days away. Saturnalia is well under way, though the gods of misrule are really struggling to come up with anything better than H.M.Gov. is doing at the moment. It wasn't mine, but the line "Oven-Ready Deal now De-Frosted" did make me chuckle out loud.

Who will be leading the Nasty Party by the New Year, I wonder...

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