Drama in the park.

J dropped me off at the gym, on his way to Llandow to meet up with the boy's which will probably be the last time before Christmas.  Only saw John & Des but that was enough for  some good banter. I haven't walked home for ages, so I walked through the field's looking for a blip. I saw this group of people by the standing stones, and I was intrigued  (nosy)to know what they were doing.  When I walked around in front of them, I saw  a lady in front of me walking her St Bernard dog, and the lady in the photo (with the hat on) came up to her and  exclaimed how lovely her dog was. The  dog walker  said to her, STOP, have you been vaccinated? and she said no,   the dog walker said please keep your distance. As I drew level with said dog walker, and the other lady walked back to the group, so I said, I have been triple vaccinated, so we  walked around the field talking about what had just happened. When it was time to go our separate ways, I wished her a Happy Christmas and off we went. It was still foggy when I arrived home, but it's now lifted and the sun has come out. J arrived home not long after I did, so a quiet afternoon ahead, for a change. 

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