this is fantastic & perfect for Silly Saturday

Tookie saw this and, for obvious reasons, thought of me :-)
What a fantastic gift. 
Now I will, on an annual basis, remember this year and laugh. 

I will remember the cicadas. I will remember learning about cicada pee. I will hopefully remember saving the cicadas-having-sex from being run over and Irish's idea of a cicada made statue to me. I hope I remember the 90 decibels noise and my arranging a post-vaccination orgy and blaming the idea on the cicadas. 

It is the first ornament on my tree this year. It has given me the Christmas spirit and now I will add other ornaments but this one gets pride of place. 

Thank you tookie!

The cicadas and Izzy making a paper cape for Kate's birthday will go down as the funniest parts of the year. 

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