Day 4

Apparently I will be able to have a shower a Tuesday morning, top banana.

The thing that made me laugh most today. Will is on advanced stuff for several of subjects at school. Most of these are subjects he really enjoys but somehow he has also got himself on the English list. As a treat, they have all been given The Picture of Dorian Grey with associated A level activities for interest. And he will be invited to a book club to discuss themes of the book next term. I laughed out loud when I read the email, when we later caught up, he was horrified at the concept. This is a boy who hasn’t voluntarily read a book since he was 7. There was a whole series of books then that he loved which I can’t remember now. Then he was done. He has many interests, reading books is def not one of them.

End of term though. And three more days of work for me. All v nice.

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