big day

This is a backblip of yesterday because it was such a whirlwind of a day I didn't get to posting until this morning.
The first eventful thing that happed is that I hit a curb and blew a back tire on my car. Fortunately I was immediately aware of it and pulled over. I do know how to change a tire and was in the process of doing so when a nice young man from Fort Carson pulled up and finished the job. Good thing he did, too, because I did not know the trick of how to lower the spare from under the car. Sadly the "donut" spare was low on air, but usable to get to a tire shop. There they told me it would take about an hour, two at the most, so they would give me a ride home.
Well two hours later the car was not ready, but hubby and I had a haircut appointment. So I borrowed my neighbors car and off we went. Notice that I got bangs (time to update my profile photo).
 But the hair appointment ran overtime, so we got home just 5 minutes before we were hosting a Christmas potluck with church friends! Good thing I had set the table earlier in the day. The evening was delightful, with a fire in the fireplace and a self timed group photo, before sitting down to a veritable feast.
After everyone left, I was taking the last folding chair down to the basement when I missed the last step. Woohee, I've never sprained an ankle before but it felt like I should be seeing bones sticking out of my skin. So I called my daughter and off we went to the hospital for x-rays. The good news is that nothing is broken, the bad news is that I do indeed have a sprained ankle that will take some time to heal. We got home after midnight, so today is a good day to rest, nap, and heal.

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