Happy Birthday to Me!

Thank you all so very much for your support yesterday about my mom. I talked briefly with her today...I don't think she's "better" per se, but she wasn't worse. My sister was with her today, so we'll just play it day by day.

Meanwhile, the funniest story ever to start my birthday! I thought I'd be posting photos of flowers or cakes, but in fact, it should have been a blip of a lovely order of French Toast that arrived from a marvelous local restaurant by Door Dash (a restaurant delivery service) this morning at precisely 8:30. My husband yelled upstairs to me that someone had sent me breakfast - a statement which I could barely grasp the concept of (has anyone ever sent you breakfast...it's amazing!) 

Before I could get downstairs, I heard a great commotion of unidentifiable noises and I raced downstairs screaming unprintable things. My husband was in a meeting on the phone so was no help. He pointed to a ripped brown paper bag on the floor behind the chair in his office. "Your breakfast" he said, with no apparent emotion. I picked up the bag (saying more unprintable things) and took it to the kitchen where I extracted a take out a transparent plastic container that had clearly been tossed around a lot - the  contents unidentifiable. And the bag had nothing on it, no receipt, no names, no card, nothing. Who the heck would send me breakfast?

Izzy the cat, meanwhile, was acting very strange, lurking by her cat door. I went over to her and asked her if she was OK...and low and behold, the handle of the bag, along with the receipt that was stapled to it, was around her neck! Apparently she had jumped up on the kitchen counter to check out the delivery, stuck her head through the handle of the bag to go poking inside, then freaked out, jumped off the counter with the bag attached to her neck, raced through the house, and over the chair in my husband's office, where the bag finally gave up, ripped and Izzy was free. Well almost. Caught in the act. I laughed so hard! And the receipt showed exactly who ordered it...a gift from a very thoughtful friend who thought that my birthday should apparently start out with a bang! 

The French Toast was easily reconstructed, along with divine caramelized bananas, strawberries and walnuts, with a not-too-sweet sauce. I could only eat half but it was amazing. Best beginning to a birthday EVER! 

The rest of the day has been less eventful, but we're about to have a dinner from a local restaurant, at home, with a nice bottle of birthday wine! 

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