Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

In the pink

I cracked on today at pretending to be organised! I did get the cake marzipanned which was one of the time limited things as it needs to dry out a little before icing. Tick!
I rediscovered the fancy card holder Christmas trees which I bought last year. I'd completely forgotten about them, so that meant the Christmas cards were a bit tidier. Tick!
I moved a table out of the lounge to make room for the Christmas tree. Tick!
I got all the Christmas things out of the cupboard under the stairs. My girls call it the Christmas cupboard. Tick!
I cleared all of the children's books from the shelf in the hall bookcase where I put the nativity scene. Tick!
Set up the nativity scene as of today's ante-natal appointment - the sheep and shepherds are in the fields, Mary and Joseph and the donkey have just set out from the hall table. It will take them a week or so to cross the hall to the stable! The Magi are in the bookcase in the sitting room. The angels have arrived and are presumably having a choir practice and the cow is in the stable! Tick!
Other than that, Ali was here between Josie's 3 month vaccination appointment (I can't believe she's 3 monthas old already) and her own dental appointment. I picked up a Christmas Jersey / dress for Isobel it jumped out at me as i walked past the charity shop!
It's Thursday so we had our peaceful zoom evening prayer. After much heart searching and not a little guilt, I pulled out of attending and of reading a lesson at our community Carol service on Sunday. I realised that with family coming here for Christmas, if I catch covid and we have to isolate then our guests will have travelled long distances, paid for transport and have nowhere to stay. So we're cutting down to an absolute minimum mixing with others and a busy Carol service was really not a good idea. I am sad about it though. Our guests too are being as careful as they can be and we are all taking lateral flow tests.
We've got almost all of the Christmas food in now, just a few last minute details and a couple of presents still to go. I can't believe we are back in the same position as last year waiting for the axe to fall on our much longed for family reunion.
Stay safe folks and be healthy

Oh, I almost missed an important detail...... Ate my advent calendar chocolate. Tick! :-)
Job done for today.

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