Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

First Home-made Christmas Wreath

Home-made wreath now up.  Since I took this photo, I've added some sticks of cinnamon to the dried orange peel and bay leaves and will add some eucalyptus tomorrow.  I quite like the simplicity of it, but is it too bare?   More ivy maybe?  

A busy day, never really stopped much, but not a lot to show for it!  Some Aptis, housework - doing sections every day so that we don't have to do a lot in the few days before Christmas and we can start to make it feel a bit festive.   Participated in a very interesting webinar in the morning on inclusivity and diversity in the English language classroom and beyond.  A bit more Christmas decoration making in the afternoon, while marking speaking tests.  A walk in the evening and then home to mince and mashed tatties for dinner.  Bb's out with a small group of business colleagues.   I see on the news that France has said only essential trips now back and forward to the UK.  That will wreck havoc to many a travel plan.  Wonder if Spain will follow. 

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