New job!!

Exactly a year and 2 days after loosing my job I started another one!! Its only a leafleting job but it makes me feel better knowing I'm contributing to the bank account.

I have 700 homes to deliver to - 2 small magazines and a leaflet. They are HEAVY!

Most people are really friendly. 1 person aggressively pointed me off his path. Knob! 1 person thought it would be funny to snatch them from the letterbox as I posted them through. Knob! 1 dog ate them after I missed the external letter box! I was the knob!

Its certainly not easy money but it gets me out the house, earns a bit of pocket money, helps with my step count and I get to see lots of festive decorated houses.... and cats!

I was even given a box of chocolates when I collected the leaflets!

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