Enjoying the view

First thing this morning, when the ducks arrived for their breakfast, I skooted outside in my cotton nighty, camera in hand, and simply sat with them for a while.

I'm sure I've said it before, but they really are the most wonderful company. I'm sure they both have as much personality as my beautiful feline, Miss Tibbs!

The morning sunlight had just popped its head into my garden and I chose this photos as the sun is shining on Mr. Ducks head, whereas Mrs Duck, standing right beside him, is still in the shade.

As you can see, they are both pausing between mouthfulls to admire the view over breakfast.

The mornings are becoming cooler these days. I don't know how long I will be able to continue going out first thing in my cotton nighty. I will have to resort to wearing my flanny jammies in the very near future! :)))

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