Da Museum Gang

Still fairly windy, but dry today, with the odd sunny spell.  

A better morning, and set out walkies after breakfast.  Popped by Madeline's for a cuppa this morning.  I met up with the museum gang for lunch.  Popped by Tommy and Margaret (Irvine) with Cathy on our way home, and then popped by Cathy's too.  Met friend Julie for walkies this evening, and now feet up, telly on.  Omicron has been reported in Shetland today, hopefully it will turn out to be a mild variant.  I try not to listen to Covid-19 news anymore.  

It was good to meet up with the old gang for lunch today.  Barbara, Anne and Linda N still working at the museum, the rest retired or new jobs.  Plenty to catch up with, and we even had a secret Santie gifts.  With a possible lockdown coming again, I'll happily take the opportunity to see folk now, while I can.  At back L-R - Me, Anne, Linda N, Sandra and Cathy.  Front L-R - Linda F, Barbara, Christine and Trevor.  Taken at the Hoswick Visitor Centre, Sandwick. 

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