
... emergency caffeine blip...
A short night's sleep with a friend coming to sleep on the sofa in the early hours. The kids were delighted to wake and find him here, and Mitch was confused and thought it was Danny & that we'd had a fall out, ha! 
This morning felt productive in lots of ways...and I even had time for 5 minutes at the bar in Nude before walking to get Nate. The article in the paper is talking about a new homeless hostal that's just been opened... I'm intrigued to know what the criterion are for it...and how you get in/get on the waiting list...
Asha came out of school FULL of beans as she had won the school Christmas art competition. She put in so much effort but had never even entertained the idea that she might win, she just put the effort in because she wanted to create something lovely. I feel so delighted for her.
Lovely to have Chris over for tea tonight. He and Asha helped getting my crafts a bit more ready for Messy Church on Friday. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) WhatsApp chats.
2) Better news from Jay Jay and his CT scan.
3) Asha's efforts being rewarded. 

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