
It can't really be less than a week to winter solstice! It's mild enough to have taken Morrigan out for a brief run this afternoon, and without even the heated kit! Got to love motorcycling... personal space with added joy.

The daily UK infection number has been on a straight line climb for the past month, and hit an all time high of 78,610 in today's reveal. On that basis we will hit 100,000 daily infections by the weekend. 

I smiled, wryly, when I read of Tory MPs "rebelling" and voting against the mandatory vaccination passes when only the other day they were all for ID cards for voting in elections. 

No doubt these bastions of freedoms will be allowed their protests, even as the rest of us face jail if in future we take to the streets... Me, I think I'll ride my motorcycle while I still can...

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