Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Archie gets into the Festive Spirit…

Archie and I set off to Bruntsfield to get some keys cut. I knew where the wee key-cutting shop was… But it wasn’t… It was further down the road, I realised after… and so we had to walk the other way to Tolcross. Actually, it’s not far, but I had a ‘heavy legs’ day and had to keep sitting down. Funny - the other day I walked fast and quite far…

But I wanted to go past this shop, as I’d spotted it the other day. There was a bucket for donations for the selfie, so I’ll pop back another day with some cash.

Actually, that was twice today I needed cash. The key cutting chap, when I found him, wanted cash, so I had to come home (by bus) where I tried, and failed, to persuade JR to walk back down with the cash (she was very busy).

This time I bussed both ways, even though it’s only about three stops. I just missed my bus back - it had stopped and the driver was outside on the pavement, fiddling with his side mirror. Most people would have just jogged and got there. I watched it leave just as I got near…

And so I popped in to the Cloisters Bar for a quick (very quick) coke. I’d forgotten how NICE it is in the there. Old pews, subdued lighting, and NO muzak! Bliss. Must pop back soon when not in a rush.

Quite worrying developments over this Omicron variant. We have changed our plans for Friday’s soirée to three households instead of five. I do feel sorry for people in business, especially hospitality. We have a couple of special lunches in town booked for next week, but haven’t heard from the restaurants, so we’re hoping they’re still on.

Big Day tomorrow for our pals, so we’ll be thinking of them. Birthday greetings for today too.

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