a little bit of rhubarb

By Puggle

Of lights and labradors

Picture, if you will, a boofy, ungainly, gluttonous, idiotically grinning Labrador.

Around him is a large circle of people, all of whom are holding out treats and calling to him enticingly. As our Labrador isn't the brightest bulb in the canine chandelier, he bounds enthusiastically from one person to another, skidding to a stop as soon as something else catches his eye...and now he's changed direction and hared off to inspect the New Thing, completely forgetting about whatever it was that caught his eye 30 seconds ago.

He is shamelessly indiscriminate and will just as likely be distracted by a rock or butterfly as by an intriguing noise or a promised treat held out alluringly to him. He has no compunction about gambolling right over the top of any small children cluttering his path in his quest to investigate; and having the brain of a flea, he frequently backtracks, so that his progress from person to person and treat to treat is completely random.

Do you have that picture in your mind?


Now replace 'labrador' with 'camera-wielding (but foolishly sans tripod) puggle.' And replace 'people with treats' with 'animals* and colourful flashing lights'.

And that was me at the Royal Easter Show.

* Both domestic and farm animals, with decided partiality for Clydesdales ... but I'll harass pretty much anything that stands still long enough...

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