Good morning blippers

YAWN! Good morning everyone and how is everyone this fine glorious day? Excuse as i slurp on this my 1st cuppa of the day *takes slurp of tea*
I thought i would blip nice and early today so i can go about my day and try not to think ohh this would be good one, oh no no no this building would etc etc etc lol.
This is the little project that the boys and myself are doing (growing sunflowers) Since i last blipped it (a couple of days ago) it's been rescued from floods acouple of times so far but the boys are trying though :)
Just a little note to say that April is Autism Awareness Month, myself and a bunch of friends are doing a charity walk in the peak district to raise money for the a local charity called Autism Initiatives We call our self's the A-Team
Anyway what ever you are doing have a good day ya all

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