Mixed Weather

Today dawned sunny and cold. (42F/5.5C)  I slept very well with the help of some Advil PM. so we took a very slow walk down to the bridge to check out the creek. The drains, cleared by the county, did their job this time and the water stayed away from Cindy's house, despite the fact that the giant log jam is still there. The contractor from next door walked down there with us to have a look. He was properly impressed by the size of the logs in it, all washed down from the burn area in the hills above us.

As the day progressed, fluffy white clouds appeared in the blue sky. David came by with the extension part for the hot water control valve and installed it. We discussed possibilities for how to hang my picture of a Japanese bath house from the tile which is really hard and requires a special diamond drill bit. I don't think I can get myself out of the bathtub in my present condition, but it will be properly hot when the time comes.

After lunch some of the fluffy white clouds started turning dark, although there was still a lot of blue sky. I sat on the couch catching up on some long neglected Blippers, trying to get up every so often to walk around. It's hard to tell whether sitting or standing is worse.  I tried a back brace but that seems to concentrate the pain  or maybe spread it out...I can't really tell...so I took it off.

Looking out toward the bird feeder, which John was repairing after it blew over in the storm, the sky was still blue and it was sunny so I took Spike out and threw his Kong for him. We have to be vigilant, for if he chews on it for awhile, which he enjoys, he breeches it and swallows the pieces. Both John and I have been on the lookout for red bits in his poo. Just as we satisfied ourselves that he had cleared the red one, it looks like we will now be on the lookout for purple bits. There won't be any more of that particular kind of Kong despite the fact that it is less likely to roll underneath the furniture.

Back on the couch I noticed a sound like the wind blowing, but looking out the window all seemed still until I realized that it was hailing. It's difficult to get a good picture of hail but I played with my new Snapseed app and liked the combination of the clouds and the hail in our garden. 

There must have been a beautiful rainbow somewhere for the sun continued to shine.

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