Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

In the "Hospital"

Trixie went back to the shop today and the mechanic spent almost an hour checking cables and connections and couldn't find the reason for her problem.  Unfortunately, they aren't certified to work on my brand of E Bike motor so I had to take it to the shop where I bought it - the one that made me so mad the last time.  I was glad there was a different mechanic there today.  He said she would have to stay and they would call me by Friday to let me know what work was needed. 

Then, as I was typing this, I got a call from the shop saying my bike was ready.  So we left to pick her up and I'm continuing this now.  As I thought, it was a loose connection.  No parts were needed and I only had to pay a small service charge.  Ironically, it was a connection that the first mechanic and I looked at for a long time and we both tried to plug it in tighter but he still thought it was loose.  Oh well, at least she's home now waiting to be ridden.  My extra is a sign that was in the first shop. :-)

I am grateful that nothing was wrong with the bike motor.  Parts are so hard to come by these days and I'm sure it would have been expensive.  I have a slightly better opinion now of the shop where I bought it.  At least the mechanic was polite and helpful, more than I can say for the owner, who was unmasked (we have a mask mandate) and grumpy.

Update on my niece, Didyounotice, the news is not good.  She has "at least 3 fractures" in her shoulder area.  The orthopedist said it's not something he could do anything with and referred her to an orthopedic trauma surgeon.  Hopefully, she'll be able to get in soon.  In the meantime, she has a sling and pain meds and I'm sure she's pretty miserable. :'(

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