
One of my anniversary presents from the Minx was a trip from London Euston to Fort William on the 'sleeper train'. I was so delighted; this is something we've been talking about doing for years.

So, this afternoon, we took the train from Oxenhome to London. However, staff shortages meant that we couldn't eat on the train and so rather than boarding at eight-thirty, we had to entertain ourselves until half past ten.

We did this by taking in the Lubaina Himid exhibition at Tate Modern (see Extras, below), having dinner with Dan, who was on charming form, and then having a drink at The Doric Arch.

Finally, we boarded, had a drink in the Club Car until the train was on its way, and finally crashed out in our cabin. And we had a double bed!

Extras. I thought I might as well use up my last three:

1. 'Slice Ten Lemons' by Lubaina Himid. I liked this exhibition, although it didn't *really* grab me, apart from the anti-Thatcher piece. This painting did make me smile, though.

2. One of the 'machines' drifting around the Turbine Hall. They are 'Aerobes', fashioned by Anicka Yi and part of the 'In Love With The World' exhibition.

3. The Club Car on the Sleeper. Look carefully, and you'll see the Minx.

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