An oops kind of a day

Back from our flying visit down to Deal to remove carpet from lounge. On arriving we discovered that the flat above ours had a leak and water was dripping quickly and fully into our bathroom and out on to the hall carpet. There was nothing we could do, they were in London and the only other person with keys was at work a distance away. We had plumbers in removing radiators from lounge but nothing they could do to help as the water supply cut off is inside the flat. Aaagh. We mopped up the best we could and the very kind man from the top flat has been checking on it and mopped up again for us.
The guy who was going to take away the carpets never turned up with Covid as his excuse but has assured me it will be removed this morning.
There is a silver lining - thank goodness we had gone down and found the leak when we did and a newly decorated hall and carpet courtesy of someoneelse's insurance.

This photo was taken on Sunday, l was not really up for taking photos when we got home after an extra long journey back in rush hour and darkness. It does show someone else has had an oooops moment though - the lamp in the back ground is at a decidedly rakish angle, that would have made a nasty dent in a car.

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