
We went to Busch Gardens Williamsburg today. That's a long drive, especially on a Sunday before we have to work. It was fun but cold! We rode Apollo's Chariot twice, Verbolten once, and I rode Invadr. We also watched the ice-skating show, "'Twas That Night." It's fun every year.

These luminarias are along a path in the Ireland section of the park. The park was fairly crowded, but we still had a good time. The only problem was I wore some bad shoes I bought over the summer. They are too narrow at one point and make my feet hurt. I thought I could insert some cushioning on the shoe and on my socks (plus, my new, thicker socks might help), but nothing helped.

My feet were so sore. I had to stop at a rest stop on the drive home to take my shoes off for a bit. Jill had to drive the rest of the way home. I felt bad. This was two trips in a row that had a bad ending.

Couple of handheld photos in extras. A tripod would be nice, but then we'd have less time for rides and shows.

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