Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Fairy Light Stick

A late start with coffee and toast, then despite our intentions to get out, we both did some bits and bobs in the house. Bb labelled some boxes which are to go up to the attic, some 'work work' and then some preliminary work on our Christmas letter. I did some Aptis, made meatballs and some bits and bobs of Christmas things, including bringing this fairy light stick inside from our patio to see how it looks inside.  Still playing around with where it might be nice for Christmas time.  Here it is outside in a previous blip

We did walk out early evening and walked to a square about 15 mins away where we knew there was a little arts and crafts Christmas Market.  It was finishing up by the time we got there, but I bought a black and silver sparkly jersey, which might be nice for these days. Also bumped into an ex IH Spanish teacher and it was nice to have a chat and catch up on what she's up to these days.  Back home and dinner of meatballs and started to watch the film 'News of the World' with Tom Hanks. 

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