So come on, get it on

I slept til a sensible time this morning ….

We got up and worried over the appearance of an ambulance and a police car; but sadly it turned out that one of our neighbours died unexpectedly.

We took ourselves off to b&q, our typical Sunday drive by… got what we needed …. One day I’ll tell you that story!

We had a drive only where I used to work… has a wee look at the boats. Reminisced about the time I handed in my notice …

And then we came home.

Himself did more DIY with his new chisel… whilst I emptied the vacuum all over the kitchen sides! I have emailed Hoover on numerous occasions to tell them that their shitty upright is hopeless but will they respond in the positive… they say ‘have you tried cleaning the filter….

Which led to said evacuation of contents of the filter all over the kitchen…

Then I watched a Christmas film, whilst contemplating Tooli in a Hijab… I then felt inspired to put some Christmassy lights up.

And now I’m feeling quite warm and fuzzy

Despite being sick to the back teeth of Boris and his lies

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