Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

A Walk on The Shore

Another visit to Edinburgh today. Strictly speaking, this is Leith and it was only swallowed up by the city a century or so ago.

I used to come here with my Dad on Sunday afternoons. We’d wander around the docks, seeing what ships were in port, smelling the smells of linseed and timber and marine diesel.

Then we’d go and cadge a cup of tea from his friend Tommy who worked on the Dock Commission - always a tarry brew in a thick white mug which made me feel very grown-up.

Happy memories, but everything is changed. Many of the old buildings are still there, transformed into bars and cafes. The old Seamen’s Home is a smart hotel. The ships are parked somewhere far off, so I didn’t get a good look at them.

The biggest change is down to land reclamation - much of what was water is now covered in modern flats and office buildings.

It’s still a good place to spend a Sunday afternoon.

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