ECB with Christmas Mouse

I had hoped to go for a walk today, but like so many days in the last weeks, this one was very unpleasant - rainy, grey, and very dark. So, no walk, more time to play with the cats, and get another ECB* in the process.

Rani got her Christmas mouse last year, in a lovely parcel from Scotland, and still likes to play with it. So do the other two. 
Among the many things I resent about Brexit, not being able to send and receive Christmas parcels to/from the UK is one of the worst. Yes, we could still send stuff, but the postage would now cost more than the contents; we would have to attach a customs declaration; and the receiver would have to pay a considerable customs fee. And it's no longer allowed to send some of our favourite edible Christmas goodies. So, no fun whatsoever. Thanks, Boris...  

P.S.: Rani doesn't have a tabby tail, that furry thing is another cat toy. 

*Emergency Cat Blip

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