Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


Spent half the morning, once Archie had gone out with Elizabeth, trying to find a DHL drop off point to return an item. On the website, WHSmith’s at Fort Kinnaird was the easiest, having car parking. But no - they don’t do DHL. I asked them to update the website then. They gave us the post code of the nearest one, which wasn’t far away, and we set off, using the sat nav into the wilds of one of the least salubrious suburbs of Edinburgh. In fact, when we eventually arrived at the target, the shop didn’t look very inviting to enter, let alone to leave a fairly expensive item in their charge. Though of course, it’s all documented and signed for. We came home to find another venue, or to try again to book an uplift online.

When Archie came home, slightly earlier than normal, we popped round to Pip’s house for drinkies and nibbles. THREE schnauzers were there! Archie, Pip and Hamish. But trying to get a (decent) photo of three of them together proved to be too hard. They all get on fine, but ask them to actually sit near each other - NO!

We had a lovely convivial evening, with drinks and nibbles flowing. We were missing one of the visitors - she had tested ‘slightly negative’ in a LF test, and so was isolating and taking a PCR test.  We had both taken a test yesterday, as I have discovered you can get just a NOSE test, which is much less off-putting than the tonsil one!! 

Two other friends were there, but they were not dog owners - they had a cat. I was quite pleased with Archie, as he socialised quite well, even lying on the sofa beside Dan (Hamish’s dad) with his chin on Dan’s leg. Then he lay on the carpet and dozed - he didn’t sneak off and skulk in the kitchen. It was Pip who snuck off for some peace and quiet.

Actually, we were rather late home, which I hadn’t anticipated, so no blip was done. I’m normally quite good at getting it half done when an outing is in the offing. Not only did I forget to do a blip, we forgot to feed Archie, who went to bed hungry, but he didn’t complain at all. Sorry Arch.

Here’s Hamish sitting up nicely for a wee treat, with Archie looking on. (He got one too).

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