
Was at church this morning, (mainly because himself likes going) Sitting in the usual pew, with the usual people in the same pews they and their grannies probably sat in for eons before!  I have a love/hate relationship with the Kaflik church. When I lived on the island Gulag, religion dominated everything! The only priests I liked ended up leaving due to some scandal or other, the rest managed to hide their skeletons. People told their sins to priests who probably later over dinner competed to see who had the best sinners in their flock! 
Later I did time in a convent where I not only had to cope with the male clergy but with their female equivilant....nuns! boy could they be vindictive!  (though I remember the really kind ones too so its really human nature) I used to have a hit list of elderly nuns I could leap out at from behind the many creepy life sized statues to induce a heart attack (it never worked) in mitigation I was only 9!
Later still in life my dad and I would go to church via the university cafe and sup on milk shakes and coffee then go  home to my mother and lie about the sermons though later in life my dad who was a convert, became more holy than my mother, (how things change)
So today there I was bored as usual when my eye caught one of the congregation right at the front, whom I'd never seen before, she stood up and put her hand up asking to sing a song. So she began some song which was something about a dying planet, think it's some Extinction Rebellion number, she got three verses in when a guy came down and showed  her the church hymn book and she stopped. I'm thinking she was one of the out patients from "up the Brae" perhaps, but it got me thinking as to how do churches of most religions manage to exclude people with mental illness, maybe they don't do it deliberatly but congregations seem to be comfortable middle class mainly old folks who sit in the same place saying the same prayers etc etc etc.
i don't have any issues with religion or people who follow it but sometimes I just wonder if religion is for the good or for the bad! God only knows!

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