Squirrel in the bird bath.

They are such cheeky chappies and can cause lots of damage.
But they are still cute.
When I wandered up the garden earlier, in the still air, the wind having blown itself out, there were lots of different birds twittering.
Usually a sign of milder weather, which it is today.
There were blue tits, starlings who were rattling away on the roof of one of our neighbours, (I love those birds, so underrated), plus our garden robin.
The blackbirds are not singing yet but send up their startled alarm calls and are defending territory.
Two starlings are currently in the bird bath on the bottom lawn but I wasn’t quick enough to catch them on camera!
The nuthatch has been coming in first thing on the feeder, along with coal-tits who like the fat balls on the bottom fence.
Nature has a way of being comforting in the face of the current news.
I can breathe out there and just leave it be for awhile.

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