No. 1 Every year, without fail, Mr L and I have an argument about the Christmas tree. I want a real one, he wants a fake one he can just re-use each year. Every year real vs plastic is won by……Me! I have no idea why I am not feeling it this year, but really couldn’t be bothered with the argument and just told him to go ahead when he showed me one on Amazon. Two of the three sons declared disappointment at the end of a tradition, although I’m not sure if they meant the tree or the argument! All I’m going to say is that it won’t be re-used! It’s so awful I’ve not even taken a photo!
No. 2 X-ray results came back and the doctor phoned to tell me I have arthritis in the knee! What?! I can’t be that old can I? He prescribed rest, swimming, paracetamol and ice packs. The first two are definitely not on my radar, I’ll think about the ice packs when it’s warmer and until then I’ll keep taking the pills!
Good news that S who was ‘let go’ a couple of months ago has secured an interim role which he hopes will become permanent.
The photo is from yesterday when Chris (one of my team) and his friend played for the visitors in the Castle. They took the trouble to sing for all four classes and the kids joined in, it was magical. I. Asked the organist if he knew anything about the organ he was playing, and he was amazed to hear it had once been owned by the only British PM to have been assassinated (Spencer Percival in 1812).
For history buffs…… the tapestry behind the altar is the oldest at LC, early 1500’s if I remember correctly. The master weavers would create the main picture and trainees the borders. In this one, in the top left hand corner, I think someone was having a bit of fun when they depicted a pair of sheep performing in a way you don’t expect in a religious tapestry!
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