Lillian's Leaving Lunch

A breezy morning, and showers.  Winds calmed, and showers eased.  A calm evening now.

Last late shift of the week, and a hectic day!  It started well, I was on check-in all day.  The 1600hr Aberdeen flight was cancelled, due to tech problems. This lead of to disgruntled passengers, and too many for the last flight.  Such a shame for folk who have plans scuppered.  Also had missing luggage, more disgruntled passengers.  Walkies with Sammy, and then a much needed pint this night! 

Christmas jumper day, and most staff were nice and festive for the occasion.  After the cancelled flight, it was bah humbug!  More bah humbugs, it's Lillian's last day with us.  She's been a great hand showing me the ropes, and always a laugh a minute with her.  Wish her all the success in her new job.  Her husband runs a takeaway, so she brought us all pizza for her leaving lunch.  L-R - Lillian, Dennis, Megan, Fergus and Tim.  Taken in the tearoom, Sumburgh Airport.  

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