
It was the art class this morning and I thought the postman had already been by the time I left. I was wrong! When I opened the door it was to meet two very sheepish looking canines sitting among torn off bits of paper and what remained of the post. Luckily it was mostly junk mail!

Then during the walk Bruce disappeared for quite a while and Cara was sent to find him. She reappeared and shortly afterwards Bruce made his appearance behind her, looking very pleased with himself for coming back to me. I had to chuckle though as it was obvious where he had been! He simply refused to meet my eye but once i had taken my photo he had a biscuit as he had come back, albeit in his own time. He went on to enjoy his walk on the moor against the backdrop of the snowy Ben Vorlich. This shot was a nearly blip!

Later I had a lovely surprise. A while ago I 'resigned' from my voluntary post of Secretary at our local Abbeyfield as I had been doing it for a long while and felt it needed some fresh blood. Anyway this afternoon I had been invited for afternoon tea with the committee and residents and was presented with a fabulous rhododendron bush. I will definitely post a blip once it is in flower as there are a lot of buds on it.

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