
A friend in Las Vegas sent me the most wonderful Meyer Lemons from her tree. They are delicious!! The Persimmons were a gift from another friend here in Oregon: they are yummy too. I will make a special dessert with some of them when they are very ripe, but now we will eat some like a crunchy apple.

Today is a good day; I feel better every day. Tomorrow is my post-op appointment, and I am sure all will be well, and I will be able to start driving again.  

This afternoon I am watching a Hallmark Movie...very relaxing. I am hoping to change my sleeping habits. On Monday, I had a sleeping study appointment, and she concluded that my insomnia could be altered by a strict program of going to bed and getting up at the same time every day. I also am not supposed to lay in bed wide awake for more than 15 minutes; I have to get up and sit in the dark and focus on my breathing until I feel tired, then go back to bed to sleep. I must get up with the alarm even if I got no far, so good. I am doing everything I was told to do...I will let you know at the end of 21 days. 

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