Charity Shop Chic

Poor Asha has what Nate is struggling to shake, so a day off from school for her. 5 hours in a mask when struggling to breathe and sneezing loads just didn't sound ideal! So the days plans changed rapidly. Somehow I've been roped into doing the craft thing for the English Speaking Church's 'Messy Church' event next week. So I spent time prepping that and creating templates for people to use. I'm meant to be giving a little demo to people tomorrow morning. 
I also discovered this amazing new charity shop today, it's at the bottom of Sa Penya...colour coordinated and with a big disco ball hanging from the ceiling. Looking forward to having a good mooch through one day soon.
Tonight was community dinner and reading Luke 9 together. 
The news on our friend remains pretty grim. His wife is doing amazingly well.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Sole having a successful operation on her vocal chords - no talking for 2 weeks now. 
2) Listening to Lectio with Asha.
3) Hearing that there's a slight bit of improvement in one area despite the continuing sobering news about our friend. 

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