Home sweet home...

Some people would rather sleep rough than share their personal space with strangers...

It's a sad reality that not only having a roof on your head but also being able to have your own personal space is nowadays a luxury!! Living on your own is really expensive, unless you are on a high paid salary or you work ridiculously unsocial hours. There's something really wrong with this. Everybody should be entitled to their own personal space without having to spend a fortune. A home is not just a few bricks and a roof, it's also a place where you should feel at ease and be safe, where you should feel happy, where you should be able to switch off and relax after a bad day, a bit of an extension of yourself... Just a bit of food for thought..

I didn't have a very good day today. I had some bad news that brought me down a little bit, but I'm a bit better now. I wish life was easier sometimes... But my lot is definitely better than this guy's lot, so something to be grateful for!

Busy day at work, but at least I finished early.

Thanks very much for all your nice comments! I hope you all had a good day! :)

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