Swim venue

This is where I swim in the morning, right now before dawn. Not the freezing Forth at sunrise but I do get to stay in for over 50 minutes, more to my taste than a quick dip in chilly brine.

Rest of the day was spent with my laptops. It was last day as Interim Manager though I stay on in another, smaller, role. Spent most of the morning advertising jobs with a side trip to the front door and a call about another possible job.

O spent much longer on things than I"d planned but it became cold and wet so better to stay inside.

Chaired the Noms Comm with at least some answers from SG and then watched the press conference. Difficult not to be pleased to see the PM so discomfited but of course he's not standing by his staff. One has already been thrown under the bus. You couldn't make it up. As someone said, whatever you thought of his predecessor none of the recent carryings on would have happened on her watch.

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