Storm Barra

A day of gales and rain.  Drier tonight, and the winds hae eased slightly. 

No morning walkies for Sammy, he was actually glad about that.  Off to work I went, on late shift this week in the airport.  I've been on the check-in desk all day.  All planes made it in and out, the last two tonight were delayed.  We had power cuts in the afternoon, thank goodness for generators.  I managed a walk with Sammy tonight, and now feet up for the night. 

As Storm Barra hit, we got the full force this morning and afternoon.  The gales battered the isles, and probably won't know what the damage will be until tomorrow.  We hit 72mph winds, possibly stronger, but we do build for high winds, as that can seem like a daily average here some winters.  It was really windy standing on the cliff tops this lunchtime, and hard to snap a good photo.  The best photo that caught the mood, was the most out of focus, but I thought I'd use it anyway.  The salty spindrift flew over the cliffs, and even hit me a couple of times.  Storm Barra battering the cliffs at Sumburgh Head.  

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