Pink gone and now white coming out

It's looking lovely at the moment with lots of flowers to come out. Mum would be so pleased with it, I have another smaller one starting to flower to. Also the Hyacinth bulbs I saved from last year and put in a bowl in the porch are peeping through. Will bring them into the warmth later. 

Cold today rainy too. After taking the dogs, during which we managed to miss the rain, I called for my fortnightly groceries at Lidl and Tesco, and it threw it down,  but I am well stocked up now again, so apart from odd bits like milk  or fruit I won't need to go far. I got some fish for tomorrows tea as it was beans on toast tonight, too tired to make anything big.

Had a rest this afternoon but have got the Christmas lights and tree in from the shed ( everything wrapped up in waterproof bags etc) so tomorrow we are going to make a start on putting them up.

That's it for now off to watch Winter on the farm 

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