Motherly love

YAWNNNNN!!! Early morning as our electric tripped overnight so Grace woke up freezing about half five and couldn't get back to sleep. Then a long day at work: 10 hours (that's long for me, I know it is usual for some folks here), including a parents' evening tagged on at the end. I didn't have many appointments, but they were spread across the evening. I do enjoy seeing the parents though, and discussing their children, as I'm lucky enough to teach some really lovely kids. I think it's the thought of extra hours that is worse than actually doing them. Plus I got to catch up on paperwork etc between times.

Was nice to get home in daylight despite the later hour, then bath Grace, give her lots of cuddles and put her to bed; and after that have a little time to amble around the farm as the sun was setting.

Now it is time to lie down and I think I might just drift off to sleep on the settee...

Night night blipland. xxxx

A year ago: Look out!!!! - flying lamby alert

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