
No jaunt today but
an appointment that I could
not miss or avoid

~ carliewired

I was up early having my eggs and coffee before 7. The view outside was not pretty. The sky was grey, the wind was chill and the temperature was -4 C. I was not encouraged to wander with my camera this morning. Thankfully, we didn't get any new snow overnight so the driveway was clear. 

I had an important appointment at 11. I took my daughter with me as she's sharp with facts and figures. We spent an hour in discussion with two professionals and their dueling calculators. I came away with some hope that dreams and plans are attainable. There will be some word-smithing and some further negotiations, but all seems doable. I am encouraged. 

We made a stop for lunch and then returned to my daughter's where she treated me to a lovely cup of tea and a strawberry crepe with abundant whipped cream. 

While I munched, she pulled out her bag of units for her Christmas origami projects. She gifts a handmade ornament each year to special people in her life. She cuts, folds and creates with her beautiful papers. Each finished piece is unique and lovely. Some people put them on their Christmas tree. Some people place them where they can be viewed and enjoyed throughout the year. 

As I watched her work, I had to compare her endeavour to the efforts we made this morning to construct something new from the pieces we now hold. 

I was home at 4 PM as it was getting dark. Our day only warmed to -1 C. The snow will last as long as our daytime temperatures remain below freezing. 

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