aging hippy

By aginghippy

Now where did I leave it ?

Just felt like writing today ..... { I get like this sometimes ! }

" Now where did I leave it ? "

Ok so Spring is finally here in New Jersey.

Why oh why do men always believe that when we put a garden tool away in October that come Spring we will remember exactly where we put it?

How often will I say to myself " I know it's in here somewhere ? "

Women of course have this uncanny ability to remember where every single item is even if it's not been used for 5 years.

And, to make matters worse all men know, to their cost , that women also remember for at least 50 years the year, month, week , day, hour and minute of every single time they perceive we failed to live up to their unnaturally high expectations. Of course, it goes without saying that they are able to recall these incidents quicker than a Mastermind finalist.
When asked if we remember then we meekly nod in a gesture of abject repentance { we're really good at that }. Of course the braver amongst say "pass" and the positively suicidal utter " whatever ".

We are then banished to the Potting Shed, where I now stand camera in hand, which brings me back to my original question,

" Now where did I leave it ? "


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