Lerrick Walk of Fame

A windy day, and rained most of the morning.  Dried up in the afternoon, and a calm evening. 

Day off, and up early.  I've kept myself busy all day, keeping my mind occupied.  A big clean in the sitting room, ready for Christmas, and finished decorating too.  Popped into town after lunch, and managed a big walk with Sammy.  Met up with friend Julie for walkies this evening, and then popped down to Laura's and also mam's.  Feet up now. 

Maybe a month ago, they had an official unveiling of a new stone plaque, dedicated to Douglas Henshall, aka D.I. Jimmy Perez, and he unveiled the plaque.  The plaque is outside his fictional home.  I don't think we'll ever get as many stars as the Hollywood Walk of Fame, but it's a start.  Taken at the Lodberries, Commercial Street, Lerwick.  

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