Friends who bake together, stay together.

Thankfully I woke up feeling wiped out but without any pain in my head - hooray! The kids are off school til Thursday because of various fiesta although Danny was up and out early to teach a lesson, we 3 were more relaxed. A friend came over to give various things for our homeless friends and those who may have homes, but not have much to make it feel like a home. The stuff she gives is always good quality and a joy to rehouse! It was lovely to chat for a while. Within an hour Sole was round to collect some kitchen bits from James and Rich and some towels that Elena had just given. Sole left feeling very pleased - I was pleased too as it fills up our place until we can move everything on. 
This afternoon Charlie came over to make and decorate Christmas biscuits. Everyone seemed to enjoy it! Then straight onto a prayer zoom with people from our UK church. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Health!
2) The joy of having such a wide variety of friends in my life.
3) Mitch taking the kids to the park this morning. 

oh and a 4th grateful, our gorgeous friend Charlie joining blip! He and his wife were here in Ibiza before we arrived...they've now moved to another beautiful part of the world and he started blip today!

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