The Green Fairy

Today's the day . . . . . . . . . . . to blur

We have been here in Moniaive for a couple of days looking after granddaughters Tessa and Josie - but tomorrow we return home.

The time seems to have gone very quickly.  It's all a bit of a blur really - but then that could be something to do with the differing energy levels between two OAPs and two bright, energetic young girls.  This is an out-of-focus shot of Josie, the Green Fairy, disappearing out of the door just as I am about to persuade her to go for a bath at the start of the bedtime routine.  You can see how exhausted she is (not) after a hard day's learning and playing.

I, on the other hand, would have accepted that offer of a warm and soothing soak - at the drop of a hat . . . . . . 

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