Sun & .....
..... gloom!
Just as yesterday the weather has turned dull 6%c has all the temperature has reached today. Returning from M & S this morning the sky looked as blipped. A brilliant sun shining down to a puddle , giving a great reflection of the trees, 1 in particular.
After lunch "A" left so I finished a couple of gift packing , that was ALL my parcels for posting done. Off I went and got that out of the way also posted my cards. I'm starting to feel a bit more relaxed , tho' I've still got things to sort , but I don't feel as frustrated.
I think I've got yet another cold, 24 hours & my cold had gone but not this year. Lack of mixing/ contact has diminished my own immunities, but can't see anything changing anytime soon!
Keep warm/ dry & safe everyone.
Thoughtful ...... that a bit of " down time" will be appreciated!
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