Pom Pom Tree

Thought I'd take a better picture of the full tree in all its glory outside Bellfield.
In other news, the new primary school in Morningside is unlikely to be named after former teacher and equal rights campaigner Saroj Lal. The results of the consultation on the new name were published and there was an overwhelming vote in favour of a location specific name - the street where the school will be beat a more generic area name. It was always a bit of a long shot as there isn't a strong tradition of naming schools after people, but it would have been a positive change to raise profile of an important local campaigner and the issues of equality she worked so hard for during her life. She was also a teacher in another of the local primary schools so there was a strong case to be made for using hr name. I suspect it is another case of small 'c' conservatism, which all too successfully portrays any change as 'political' whereas the status quo is seen as apolitical and 'common sense' when it is every bit as political, continuing to prop up the existing system.

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