From Spain

A heavy box arrived today - Clementines directly from Spain. Earlier in the year we got a box of oranges through the same Crowdfarming scheme, where you buy direct from the farmer, straight from the tree, and they were lovely. So, we thought Clementines would be a good idea. 

There are about 36 altogether, different sizes and shapes. Some look a bit discoloured, but we are assured that they are all ripe and ready to eat. Gordon has tried one and pronounces them . . .  delicious! Interesting that they don't look as good as the ones you buy in the shops and yet they taste much better. Which makes one think . . . if supermarkets demand perfection in produce so they look good on the shelves, what happens to all the fruit that does not pass this test? 

I've sent for a box to be delivered to the family in Kent, so that will be a surprise for them.  

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