Back where it all began....

Since I knew a great photo wasn't in the cards today, I went back to where it all began 10 years ago.  (Thank you to Al for the idea!)

My birds, my deck, my view from my living room...I give you a tufted titmouse with a seed, and a speeding chickadee ready to get his share, too!

This has been an extremely trying year, and I did attempt to find a photo I liked for our Christmas card, but failed.  So the cards have gone out as simply as possible, with the hope that next year will bring possibilities for beauty and happiness that evaded us in 2021.

I treasure Blipland as a positive place to spend time, and though I don't live here nearly as much as I have in the past, I'm always grateful for that little bit of information that helps me remember so much of the past 10 years.

To everyone who has been with me on this journey, I give my sincere thanks for each kind thought, comment, star and heart over the last decade.

I hope 2022 brings better times for all of us.  My love to you all.

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